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進口射頻導納連續物位計Universal IV
進口射頻導納連續物位計Universal IV是第四代射頻係統建立在drexelbrook 50年水平的測量經驗。該產品是向後兼容行業標準的通用三™,萬能Lite™,通用二™和RCT™係列是一個廣泛應用的理想解決方案。幾個增強功能的萬能四係列包括範圍內的危險場所的批準,標準顯示/鍵盤,自動調節能力和先進的計量穩定精確。
進口射頻導納連續物位計Universal IV的詳細資料
進口射頻導納連續物位計Universal IV
The Universal IV™ Series is the fourth generation RF continuous system built on Drexelbrook’s 50 years of experience in level measurement. The product is backward compatible with the industry standard Universal III™, Univeral Lite™, Universal II™ and RCT™ Series and is the ideal solution for a wide array of applications. A few enhancements to the Universal IV Series include worldwide hazardous locations approval, standard display/keypad, autoranging capabilities and state of the art stable and accurate measurement.
進口射頻導納連續物位計Universal IV
Pro Model
The Universal IV™ Pro model integrates the RF Admittance technology pioneered by Drexelbrook with the versatility of Cote-Shield™ technology that ignores coatings on the probe and measurement span of 1" to 800'. The Pro is compatible with a vast array of applications: conductive, insulating, and heavy or light coating.
Lite Model
The Universal IV™ Lite model is the entry level RF Capacitance measurement system without Cote-Shield™ capabilities. Lite models can be used in non-coating conductive liquids and insulated coating applications where Cote-Shield™ is not required. In addition, the Lite model offers a measurement range up to 20' typically.
Features and Benefits:
RF Admittance / Capacitance
Supply Voltage
13-30VDC, 2-wire loop powered
Ouput/Digital Protocol
4-20mA, HART
Compatible with HART®
HART device description available
Load Resistance
Maximum 550 ohms at 24 VDC
Minimum 250 ohms for HART protocol
Ambient Temperature
-40°C to 75°C (-40°F to 167°F)
Process Temperature
-106°C to 815°C (-160°F to 1500°F), probe dependent
Process Pressure
Vacuum to 1350 bar (20,000 psi), probe dependent
Process Connection
NPT, BSP, JIS, ANSI, DIN, Grayloc, Tri-Clamp, Perlick Fitting and more upon request
Main Wetted Parts
316L, PVDF, TFE, FEP, PFA, HasloyC, Monel and more depending on applications requirements. Consult factory
Sensor Length
1” to 800 Feet (25.4mm to 244m)
Probe, Pro and Lite model dependent
Capacitance Measurement Range
Autoranging (6 ranges)
1-45,000 pF (Pro model)
20-7,000 pF (Lite model)
Pro model: Coating rejection with 100Khz or 15Khz and 45° phasing
Lite model: 100Khz or 15Khz without phasing for insulating coating or conductive non-coating applications only
Integral or Remote Configuration
100 ft max cable length for remote configuration
0.25% of span (ranges 2-6)
Includes the effects of linearity, hysteresis and repeatability on electronics only
Response Time to Level Changes
350 msec nominal (no damping applied)
1-90 seconds programmable damping time
Supply Voltage Effect
0.2% of full scale max
Temperature Effect
0.5% per 100°F (37.7°C) change
Start-Up Time
< 12 seconds
Configuration and Calibration
Standard LCD display and keypad on all models
HRTWIN™ PC-based software
Or third party Model 275, 375, 475 handheld communicator
Emission and Surge Protection
Compliant with IEC6100-4.2, 3, 4, 6, 8
Compliant with CISPR11 Group I, Class B
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